GGI Nippon Life Insurance, a three-time consecutive recipient of the prestigious Insurance Asia Awards, is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of its ‘Healthy Kid, Happy Mom’ event, held on November 18-19, 2023. Committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and dedicated to fostering a better society, GGI Nippon Life organized this event with a special focus on women’s empowerment and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

The event, which took place at Level 1, Junction Square Promotion Area, Kamayut Township, Yangon, aimed to address the concerns of parents about their children’s health and nutrition in this rapidly evolving era. Attendees had the privilege of learning from distinguished child nutrition experts, including Dr. Daw Win Win Myint, a Nutrition Specialist; Dr. Nan Myat Phyo Thin, Singer & Actress; and Dr. Myat Thiri Maung (Dr. Mommy); a General Practitioner.

The sessions covered a range of topics, from the foundations of a balanced diet to essential nutrients crucial for children’s development, providing mothers with a deeper understanding of these critical aspects. Additionally, a hands-on workshop on preparing delightful Bento rice boxes was organized, offering valuable skills to stay-at-home moms and potentially opening doors to home-based businesses.

“We are thrilled with the success of the ‘Healthy Kid, Happy Mom’ event. It was heartening to see mothers actively engage in the informative sessions and hands-on workshop, demonstrating their commitment to the well-being of their children and their own personal development,” said U Kyaw Htun Lynn [Deputy Chief Operating Officer] at GGI Nippon Life Insurance.